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French 2A/B

Pre-requisites: French 1B

For independent 

readers & writers

1 hr/week Sep-May

2 15-wk semesters


Tue 11 am-12 pm

Pacific Time

20 students max

1 hr homework/week

$520 per year

Welcome to French 2A/B, a 2-year course with a rotating curriculum as a continuation of the French program.  Students in this course will build upon the vocabulary and grammar learned in French 1B.


By the end of this 2-year course, my goal is to have you communicating in French with greater fluency and detail about country life vs. city life, memories of the past, outdoor activities, health and the human body.


This course will also be more conversational than the 1A and 1B courses, where students will practice basic conversations. You will also continue to master the present, past (passé composé), and futur proche tenses while adding the imparfait, the futur, and the conditionnel tenses.

I am excited to see how my students will build upon what they have learned and feel more confident in their use of the language in this class.

*  All classes will be recorded and a link will be provided each week for review or in case of absence.

Course Materials and Technical Requirements

- Spiral notebook or binder dedicated to class notes

- 3-ring binder to collect printables

- Computer or tablet to log into Zoom conferencing

- Computer or tablet with working camera & microphone

- Good internet connection

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Bien dit! French 2 2013

This will be the main text used in class that will also be supplemented with other materials provided by the teacher.  Consider purchasing a more affordable used copy to share amongst siblings. 

ISBN-13: 978-0547871677

ISBN-10: 0547871678

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